Know God

Evening! What a whirlwind life has been these past several weeks!
Update on myself, started attending a second moms group called Mom2Mom at Maywood Evangelical Church in Rockford. Absolutely love it!! One of my dearest friends had her baby girl on November 10th, now this lady and her family have been praying for a baby for a LONG time. The tears we shed, she shed & I am sure the Lord shed have brought great promise & blessings to their family.

Alright, time to get to the nitty gritty ;-) in our MOM2MOM group our curriculum is reading "Discovering the Joy of Jesus" A Guide to Philippians. By far, my most favorite & cherished study I have done. I have a tenancy to start a study and/or book and due to lack of spiritual motivation on my end lol, I hardly ever get to the very end. I get close but never the end. This one was a page turner. I couldn't wait to dive into it, every chance I got. I finished it, before we were instructed to. ;-) which again is another first. This study grabbed me like Lysa TerKeurst's books do, I was motivated by mind and heart throughout the entire thing. Coming to the end of the book there is a few pages called "Know God" so I felt the tug that I need to share this with the World & to promote God's love & Jesus' sacrifice.

It does not matter what has happened in your past. No matter what you've done, no matter how you've lived your life....God is personally interested in you right now. He cares about you. God understands your frustration, your loneliness, your heartaches. He wants each of us to come to HIM, to know HIM personally. "God is so rich in mercy, and he loved us so much, that even though we were dead because of our sin, he gave us life when he raised Christ from the dead."(It is only by God's grace that you have been saved!) Ephesians 2:4-5
This is truth...the first two statements alone have incredible merit, but yet, simple. How easy is this to say and how easy does this give our minds and hearts peace? The only problem is, we forget this. We give thoughts life by the words we use to describe what we are feeling. When the moment comes and I know it does, its happened to me several times, of the thought that no one cares. At times like these why can't we just state the obvious?

God loves you. He created you in HIS image. HIS desire is to be in relationship with you. HE wants you to belong to HIM. Sadly, our sin gets in the way. It separates us from God, and without HIM we are dead in our spirits. There is nothing we can do to close that gap. There is nothing we can do to give ourselves life. No matter how well we behave. But God loves us so much that HE made a way to eliminate the gap and give us new life, HIS kind of life--to restore the relationship. HIS love for us is so great, so tremendous, that HE send Jesus Christ, HIS only Son, to earth to live, and then die--filling the gap and taking punishment we deserve for refusing God's ways.  "God made Christ, who never sinned, to be the offering for our sin, so that we could be made right with God through Christ." 2 Corinthians 5:21
