First blog post

Well, today is my first blog posting..

My husband Joe and I welcomed a beautiful baby girl into our lives on August 20, 2014 at exactly 11:02 Am.  Been home with her for 10 days with her, def learning a lot about being a mom.  Honestly I thought it would be harder then it has been.  Being home you realize there are so many things to be thankful for and some many things that can make you wanna pull your hair out!  Blogging will help me relive moments in this amazing journey of being a new mom and will help as an outlet if I am having a stressful day.  Plus I know by logging every day I will learn more and more about myself as a person.  Going to backtrack a bit to the day she was born..waking up Wednesday the 20th it still was surreal that I was going to be a mom to a beautiful precious soul by the end of the day.  When she finally came, luckily I had a very fast labor which I am thankful for do to know pain meds lol. Anyway, had a really good couple of days home with her..except Thursday August 27..I never felt soo lost and a failure as a mom.  My daughter Avriel spit up everything she consumed.  I could not do anything to comfort her.  I cried soo many times that day.  I was getting to the point where I wanted my mom to come up which she lives 2 hours away to just take over for the rest of the day.  I called my husband cried to him on the phone it was horrible.  Then after my crying subsided I kept googling everything on spit up and what I did to cause such a terribly discomfort to my baby.  Turns out its completely normal...I felt foolish after reading and looking at my "What To Expect The First Year" for insight as to why this happens.  Joe text me back later and asked how I was doing and he assured me that speaking to a pro dad one of the guys he works with; confirm that spitting up is completely normal.  Friday came and things were getting better.  I decided that day to start pumping, this way I can monitor her intake and not get soo paranoid when she does spit up.  Knowledge is def power by reading information on the spitting up, I realized certain things I noticed her doing when she was breastfeeding, struggling to get a good latch, giving her self hiccups and drinking too fast.  As of today things have improved she spit up only twice which I can def live with that. This was quite an introduction..well blog I will see you tomorrow!!
