2 am Rambles

2 am rambles. .they can go on and on. When I am up its like a game..do I wake Avriel up quick feed her then pump or the other way around?  Thats a routine which changes almost everyday.
The only schedule I have basically down is bedtime lol!!
Sometimes I feel like a cow..good girl Bessie got plenty do keep her occupied and a cold beverage while   milking is in progress
Wish my pump could do two speeds simultaneously..one nipple is more sensitive then the other-single milking is not efficient at all
The sump pump/ water tank recycle at 2 am
Wish I could put a milk gauge on my breast so I knew time for pumping,  what size bottle and if I need to have a second bottle within reach
Offenhauser snores and lays in the weirdest positions
Unsure as to what that wet pile is in the hallway from the cats and do I leave it for Joe and put a paper towel over it?
What do I make for dinner tonight?
Mmm carmel coffee sounds good about right now.
Ramblings just dont end..in my eyes lets me complain and questions always raise lists that should be made.
Let's not forget shit I got more stuff to figure out on a daily basis on top of whats obvious! !
I remember back in the day 2 am meant one of two things...
Holla I am sleeping in full rem cycle ahh how nice
Two..last call for alcohol! !  At this point I crave for sleeping at 2 in the morning.
Well this was def a rambling post!!
Good morning I should say abd hope Friday comes and goes!!
