Good Afternoon!!
Today has been an amazing day, Avriel turned two weeks!! I can't believe how time flies it makes you sad but also makes you happy!! I am happy we kept her happy for the last two weeks. The sad part is wow shes growing...all in all its a good thing.Yesterday I was having not really a major freak out but was def overly inspecting my daughters diaper. I was reading "What To Expect In the First Year" about making sure baby gets enough to eat, on monday she had only pooped once and that was early in the morning, she didn't have a single stool pass that day, plenty of wet diapers but none with that wonderful seedy poo we look for. I was getting nervous. Gee imagine that lol :) So yesterday back to being obsessed with checking her diaper, she pooped three times and they were good ones and I mean awesome poops!! I was soo thrilled. You make yourself crazy when you are constantly studying your baby for every little thing. So turns out everything is normal and was worried for nothing.
Its been quite the adjustment being home..I thought I would have all this time to keep up on house stuff and be able to get little things done around the house, def not true lol. My time is divided up by feeding Avriel every two hours and pumping every 2 1/2, then sneaking in a snack and making sure Offenhauser gets his three feedings in per day. Before I know it Joe is home from work. Tonight I am attempting to make a home cooked meal. luckily its Tator Tot Casserole which doesn't hardly take any prep work. Soo wish me luck!! Everyone have a wonderful day!!
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