4 weeks phew!

Its been an amazing experience so far being a momma bear!  Its hard to believe I have a lifetime of watching over this little girl.  I am constantly learning about myself and building my patience.   Speaking of patience lol. .thankful for cloth diapers! ! Yesterday she pooed for 5 minutes! ! Everytime I thought she was done...she looked at me picked up her legs and pushed and had this smirk on her face. .I was like oh boy another! ! I went through 5 prefolds just to catch the seedy, soft serve ice cream!! They weren't even pinned yet!! If I would have put on disposables talk about money going in the garbage. .I mean faster then a non winning slot machine at the casino! ! Oh..and ofcourse miss pee fountain good Lord!! If Joe would have been the one changing her prolly would have attached a ziplock bag to her.   Lol! 
Started my self back into the routine of getting my body back.  Nervous. .took awhile to get where I was before.   Its def going to be a struggle.   Want to take spark before working out but know I need to wait due to her getting it through my milk same with all the other diet support supplements.   Walking has been good..waiting on the okay from the Dr to really start pyshing but as of now I need to listen to my body and know when to slow down. Taking Avriel on walks every day have been wonderful. ..thank goodness on the weather.  I know its going to be a struggle. .just gotta keep on working and pushing forward.
Well thats the end of my entry..hope everyones week has been great and the weekend is almost here! ! Talk to you soon!!
