Happy Friday!!! Hope everyone is super excited that 5 pm isn't far off!! Its weird being thankful for Wednesdays and Fridays being at home with the lil one, I remember being at work and counting down the house to Friday. The weekend is still a relief when its right around the corner!!
So baby toys...all these musical vibrating things...don't know where to begin. Guess I will start with the music. I have noticed if you have similar themed things to put the baby in they all kinda sound the same. Jungle sounds, lamb sounds it goes on an on. I enjoy having the TV and iPod off and listening to the music notes that come out of these toys. Its very relaxing and could put me to sleep on a regular basis. But I wonder as a baby if they get tired of the same music all the time, kinda like how we get tired of songs we once loved get overplayed on the radio. Am I going to get tired of the same sounds too? Guess we will find out as all day one of these things is playing music.
The vibrating thing....these babies are very spoiled lol, they get a massage every time they are in there. Makes me very jealous its hard enough to feel like its worth the money for us to get a massage ourselves!! Or even getting a pedicure when your wonderful tootsies are being attended and massaged and you yourself is sitting in a massaging chair. the vibrating stuff makes me also think of how much of a waste some of these toys are that only work with batteries!! What were these people thinking, they much be in cahoots with the battery companies!! We got lucky and our swing uses batteries and a plug in thank GOD. The rest of the toys use batteries and of course the wonderful phrase of "batteries not included" You would think for forcing us to get batteries all the time they would give us a courtesy batch right! That would make sense and it would encourage the quality vs quantity!! I am sure this is just the beginning of me talking about my feelings of batteries, when our daughter gets older all her toys are gonna need batteries! That wonderful Christmas morning where a mini screwdriver and a stock pile of batteries must be available at all times!! Oh and even birthdays same thing. Its crazy and we haven't even arrived at the age of her needing all these electronic toys!! Its just the beginning folks!!
Well those are my thoughts for the day of being a mother lol!! Hope the rest of the day goes fast for everyone!! Talk to you soon!!
So baby toys...all these musical vibrating things...don't know where to begin. Guess I will start with the music. I have noticed if you have similar themed things to put the baby in they all kinda sound the same. Jungle sounds, lamb sounds it goes on an on. I enjoy having the TV and iPod off and listening to the music notes that come out of these toys. Its very relaxing and could put me to sleep on a regular basis. But I wonder as a baby if they get tired of the same music all the time, kinda like how we get tired of songs we once loved get overplayed on the radio. Am I going to get tired of the same sounds too? Guess we will find out as all day one of these things is playing music.
The vibrating thing....these babies are very spoiled lol, they get a massage every time they are in there. Makes me very jealous its hard enough to feel like its worth the money for us to get a massage ourselves!! Or even getting a pedicure when your wonderful tootsies are being attended and massaged and you yourself is sitting in a massaging chair. the vibrating stuff makes me also think of how much of a waste some of these toys are that only work with batteries!! What were these people thinking, they much be in cahoots with the battery companies!! We got lucky and our swing uses batteries and a plug in thank GOD. The rest of the toys use batteries and of course the wonderful phrase of "batteries not included" You would think for forcing us to get batteries all the time they would give us a courtesy batch right! That would make sense and it would encourage the quality vs quantity!! I am sure this is just the beginning of me talking about my feelings of batteries, when our daughter gets older all her toys are gonna need batteries! That wonderful Christmas morning where a mini screwdriver and a stock pile of batteries must be available at all times!! Oh and even birthdays same thing. Its crazy and we haven't even arrived at the age of her needing all these electronic toys!! Its just the beginning folks!!
Well those are my thoughts for the day of being a mother lol!! Hope the rest of the day goes fast for everyone!! Talk to you soon!!
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