Corinthians 13:7

"Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance" Corinthians 13:7

I am a frequent flyer on the Proverbs 31 Ministries....I guess you would call me a FB stalker...anytime I am struggling with anything in my life I do look to this page...I am very new to prayer and taking my time to execute my prayers and be as specific as I can...I realized it's easier for me to find guidance on this page to help me prepare my prayer to be sure I am understanding what I am asking of God and what us expected of me..there are times when I do come across proverbs on this page that I do not feel the need to prayer it's like my prayer is answered through some of these messages they force me to think about what the root of my frustration is..or my understanding of what's going on is clarified.
We always think about the future and I was thinking about my daughter with this one...this truly expresses unconditional love God has for's the same unconditional love I have for her...any parent can relate to totally sums up what God's love has to offer if we are willing to accept turn we need to love God unconditionally even he puts us through tests to force us to reexamine what we want our life to be like and what we want...our children are the same..We put them through tests, they are tested with choices everyday as a result of peer pressure  and social media..we need to love them no matter what..we are here to guide them based on how God has guided us from the day we accept him into our life. Our personal and professional relationships need to be offered the same courtesy..we treat people well, share our thoughts and guidance and encourage those to follow the word of God we too will be offered that unconditional love we deserve..we need to teach our children too...we are God's children and we owe it to our children to teach them the unconditional love of God through our example and love.  I will Def remember this when my daughter and I struggle..which to be honest I won't sugar coat there will be obstacles and disagreements... Marriage is the same...any type of relationship can relate to this message....we need to take the time and just because we don't always get the "give with the take" does not mean we are allowed to be selfish..selfishness can create many doubts in faith and in man kind..we need to be bigger then the word "selfish" it's just a word a few letters that cause havoc that not only affects us but affects our environment. Ultimately, isn't it just easier to love unconditionally then to be left with the negativity of our thoughts of disappointment on a whim? Yes it is!! Tough in the beginning but well worth the wait of the outcome. So leaving this..let's all just try to love a little...and judge less.
