21 Days of Fasting and Prayer

Yesterday at church we had our first message in our new location. Our Lead pastor started a new series called Connected. During this service he discussed doing a campus wide 21 days of prayer and fasting. I am new to letting God into my life so I have never done one before. It's been very hard to figure out something to give up. Sweets, alcohol, soda and caffeine are among the most popular ones but for me I already don't drink soda or caffeine and I don't abuse alcohol or sweets so thinking to myself what do I do? Well with plenty of thought figured on giving up social media. Social media was a hard one because I kept thinking I can give that up because of my Plexus business which is primarily on FB/Instagram. My husband Joe made a good point he said remember Pastor Rich saying expect results? I'm like yeah I remember that so thinking about it giving up social media will give me an easier way to get out of my comfort zone. By calling and talking to people face to face about Plexus. Instead of hiding behind a computer, tablet or smart phone. I am glad to say I am very excited to do this.
I haven't blogged in awhile either and I think because my time is limited the amount of time I would be reading through my newsfeed I could be reading on my Kindle or blogging. So 2016 is a new year and a better me. Not a new me because I am me and he made me in his vision not mine. So working on bettering myself for 2016. I have several goals and personal struggles to work on. I have no doubt I will reach a better understanding of Christ and what he has done for me. I pray to all of you
Dear Lord, I thank you for all that you have given me and for all I have to look forward to in my personal and professional life. I am doing this challenge because I need to. I need to be able to listen to your words and in your guidance on my journey. I have no doubt I will receive great things. Thank you again Lord for your wisdom. Amen!
