
Happy Saturday everyone! I came across a really good piece of scripture this morning. Galations 5 all of it lol! I am very new to alot of this and I am learning everyday the right way to live. From what I can gather the Bible is filled with scriptures and promises that can help in any situation we hande everyday. I do beleive that because anytime I am struggling with any type of decision or if its just as simple as to deciding to get mad, worry and frustrated. Its helped me in alot of that.  I have two things that I go thru every day. The Verse of The Day on the YouVersion Bible App and my Bible Study  "A Virtuous Life" both of these always help me deal with what I am going thru whether its of praise or the constant promise of forgiveness and encouragement. Every time I make the choice ot read and open my heart both messages help me. And its not always right ca nbe a situation that will happen that day orr small occurences into something big in the near future. Which also tells me he knows every bit and piece of us. He did create us...if he didn't then why is it when we open the Bible in any form we are encouraged, promises and guided? No answer to that..only answer I know that is true is he is in our hearts and will forever be theree.
When we decide to make the decison to accept him to help us..the rewards he gives us differ from each other. They can be of finances, peace of mind, love, friendshhip, relationships and our holiness.  I didn't say happiness because as humans our minds are open to manipulation thru temptations..the Devil will always try and lure us into temptation and its not just the cut and dry temptations of adultery and stealing...its a state of mind...depending on what each of our struggles are..happiness in our minds can be limited to selfishness and disrespect.  If making someone feel good be establishing a close friendship that makes us happy the other person involved in the relationship can ignore you when they are unhappy all because the Devil is playing on their insecurities which in turn causes the other friend to be unhappy causes the insecure one to become happy. Happiness in here is of selfish temptation...or if in a job or volunteer, a promotion comes to head and you do what you can to discredit others to make you look better and you receive the promotion your happiness is selfish as well.  So when we praise God, we have to try and figure out the happiness part.  Is it from a selfish place? Does it result in personal gain? Does it hurt someone who cares about you? Or are we happy because God loves us? So its asking yourself those questions to find the root of that happiness.  If it comes from the heart and no one was hurt then can you be thankful for happiness..before I read Galations I re-examined when I thank him for happiness and figured oout where it came from..having to ask the questions as you pray and spend time with God it takes instead I thank him for holiness.  There is no underlying agenda and prayers are ore truthful and do not come from a selfish place. We all know when we do question ourselves in thanking God, the Devil will get in there and manipulate your ind and will cause anger, remorse and ultimately we have a high chance for giving up on prayer and God and to not be truthful to oourselves. 
Finaces all lead back to the tithe and giving to those less don't have to wealthy and debt free to give to the Church or to someone in need and we need not to question where our generosity goes when we do give it..thats between God and Church and that person and God. He does bless when you give above and beyond what you can afford.  That promise is also stated in the Bible in Deuteronomy 14: 22-26. He talks abouot this in the analogy of crops..if your place of worship is near if not trade your yields for money to carry to your place of worship.  I do believe this..Joe and I gave above and beyond and were blessed...not in finances but in the value his tools had to secure a very high business loan and we did not have to put anything down or take another loan out to secure that business loan.  In a round about way God secured our finances.  It did not happen right away this was atleast 3 months after we gave to the Church.
In relationships(friendships)..when we start a relationship with someone we need to go in protected by God's promise to avoid a chance of getting hurt.  He insures this promise by using our hearts in deciding to be in a relationship with this person...little cues..and type of sin of gossip or ignorance gives us a red flag in asking us "Am I here to change this person?" First of all ..don't ever think we can change anything aboout a person...this is something I have learned..its not our job or in our power to change someone.  they will only change at God's hand in their decision to follow God..if we push we can come off prideful and in turn that is a sin..If your heart feels upset or you have the feeling this is not how God wants me to live or you have a slight glimpse of untrust by this relationship you need to "Bless and Release" Instead of being upset, pray for them to find guidance and release them.  Then carry on in your walk with God.
Peace of Mind..the ability to apply "Bless and Release" method..pray for God to take your worry and frustration and release..move on to the next part of your day, season, or chapter. Your mind will be at Peace..Feeling conflicted does't help anything or better us..worst part is we can't move on. So let go and trust in God to take care of it.
Love, with all these gifts and promises he gives us how can we not feel loved?Being loved is what makes our relationship with God perfect..even though we are not perfect he loves us as we are as long as we reciprocate and live by his Word..we are always protected and loved either on Earth and/or in Heaven.
This was a very deep to start my Saturday! Guess thats how God works..wonder what he is preparing me for? Well off on a quick tangent watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Special about their rendition of the Wizard of Oz..its pretty clever but honestly I can say the tootles music really drives me batty sometimes! LOL!! Avriel likes it haha! Have a great Saturday! Enjoy your family and friends and don't forget to thank God for what he has done for you!
