Morning! Back in February I started to journal every night before bed, read my next assignment for Time-Warp Wife Bible Study, was attending the last few MOPS meetings, dealing with uncertainties of my future in Crossroads Sisters, Grow my Plexus business & understanding my husband's and mines new business venture. There were times I felt as if I couldn't breathe, felt like I was losing control, each day was soo soo scheduled..the thoughts came through my mind several times "Is this it? Is this how I become a good Christian? A wife, a mother, a sister, a leader, a business owner, a friend..." during this is I had an "Ah Ha" moment the more effort and structure you establish in your life the easier it is...on the outside it seems like wow I'm waay too busy..."where is my time for myself? " well its right in front of you!! Hello!! Each time I spent being diligent in my studies and my quiet time with God...I had me time. It wasn't a chore at all and with all the other things going on in my life staying on top of my me time helped me battle each day and get things done that needed to be. Since I came back from Plexus Convention in Las VEGAS I've been really prioritizing my obligations. But I let one thing slip away...a very important thing...a thing that's as valuable as oxygen to me and that is taking the time to sit with him and listen. So I am hitting the Reset button...taking the next 7 days to engulf myself in him...I started a new Bible study called 7 -Day Reset to Jesus. I'm excited for it. I had purchased awhile back a bible study journal called "Quieting Your Heart: 6 month Bible study journal" written by Darlene Schacht AKA the Time Warp Wife. I'm also incorporating getting up early before the house wakes to workout and after take the next 30-40 minutes and just read, study & listen. My only obstacle at this point is Avriel staying asleep until 7...since it being light out later and earlier in the day she is having a hard time getting a good night's sleep. Planning on changing her window shades and maybe adding in some curtains to help. During the Spring and Winter it was smooth sailing for my 5-7 am alone time each day. I'm praying and God is going to come through for me just like he did when my life was hectic. It's only going to get more hectic coming up in August I need to put him first and focus on him...the rest will fall into place. What prompted me to blog today was my first day with my new plan. Reading Hebrews 12:1-3 & John 8:1-11 was a perfect start to my reestablished the fact that yes I have sinned and I'm going to sin again and again...what keeps me in Grace is the ability to admit it and place him back into focus. Sometimes that is the hardest choice to make because as a society we do tend to take control over his's not out of hatred but instead out of pure humanity. In order for me to stay out of the deep dark places I need to reach for him...I'm not there yet but I know in the next coming months life is going to get complicated....getting up, working out & spending that time will create a domino effect into the rest of my day so I don't feel anxious because ultimately my anxiety is the devil digging and I'm letting recently posted a scripture that really got me thinking I really need to refocus. "To Pray Is To Let Go and Let God Take Over" Philippians 4:6-7 I was playing around with Word Swag and I had this amazing picture I came across while working on our Network Event Boundless at Freeport and when I read the scripture I had to put these two amazing concepts together. I enjoy looking at it everyday...I guess you could say this was all in God's Plan. Enjoy the day and don't be afraid to take the steps to help create peace in your busy life. It's not a cop out its strength & courage.
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