8/21/16 Day 2

Evening! Today was a crazy beautiful day...after Avriel's party the entire Miller Household was just done for the night. Got up around 4:15 did my elliptical and guess while I am on the subject..."Am I weird for watching Pureflix movies such as the War Room and God's Not Dead as I'm doing my 30 minute blip?" For some reason they motivate me and it just seems to add my quiet time...anyway so cleaned up from the aftermath and headed to Church early for set up...as I walked in to service I felt this rupture of emotion...I thought nothing of it but our message today "Eulogize" by Pastor Rich just filled me up..I was moving to the worship music did alot of praying and was just in it by myself...alot of people were there but I felt as if I was standing in a glowing light with warmth and peace. I don't think I've felt that way in a long time...I was very diligent in Journaling and creating a prayer strategy to work through my battles and consistent with my Bible studies..and it seriously got away from me...I was putting other things first that as Pastor Rich said aren't non negotiables...this message came at the right time...my non negotiables are God, Family, Marriage & Health...and these are promises he will make to me just by me committing and resting at his feet. Forgiveness is a big part of it and it's not only me asking for forgiveness it's my environment too...Great start to our day!!
We headed up towards Cary & Barrington for Joe to meet with some possible projects...the conversation on the way up was not much but we have been together since April of 02..so us being able to sit in silence and gather our own thoughts without thinking the other is mad or upset about something is an amazing feeling...Avriel was giggling then she completely passed out..definitely tuckered her out this weekend lol😊. The weather was absolutely gorgeous it's like all that happened today just reassures me he is there watching, guiding & motivating. And it makes me giddy just the thought that he may appear in our lifetime. I'm excited and not scared because if I continue to trust and let go..I have nothing to worry about. We played at the park..which we try to do during these work visits Joe does..it's a nice way to spend quality time as a family...Joe and I love the outdoors...before Avriel was here we took motorcycle rides all the time out in the middle of nowhere with no destination just a feeling...we would stop at railroad tracks walk them, walk to bridges...walk in fields..walk in woods..even the occasional abandon house/barn hunt😉...and I'm thankful we are able to share outdoors and activity with Avriel...it's almost making me ready for winter with her walking fields with all of us bundled up. All I can say about today is that it was magical!!
"Those who listen to instruction will prosper; those who trust the Lord will be joyful" Proverbs 16:20
This is such a simple yet difficult promise...each day our interpretation differs..we could have soo many outside workings creating doubt...and we do..we are our biggest critic. Today Pastor Rich mentioned "Supernatural Victories follow Simple Strategic Steps...alot of wisdom in the Bible is simple but our minds and self doubt make it difficult to see it...the Devil is always working at us..our weaknesses...we need to shout out loud "no more I will have no more" I'm done dwelling and sulking isn't helping me move forward it's enabling me to remain weak and pliable. Small steps help...but we need to aknowledge those steps and they are tiny but mighty...just like losing weight...1 pound at a time...1 day..1 meal..I hour at a time adds up. Weight can be mirrored by faith...we lay small bricks by studying the Bible, going to church saying hello to someone new...after awhile it becomes a habit as the same for weight...everyday is a hard choice every meal is one..but as we make tiny changes towards our goals they will be achieved.
I mentioned yesterday I got a little snappy with Joe Friday and back thinking "what was it for?" Nothing...Today and Yesterday proved it..I made a choice to move on..and today was perfection at its best...I am soo soo thankful Lord you placed people in my life and I am thankful I decided into Grace & Righteousness...I'm not perfect by any means..as one of my favorite Plexus logos says "Body under Construction" well Father my faith is under construction and I'm happy with that choice...it may take a lifetime but I will for sure enjoy the ride. Amen
