
 Its been a gorgeous month of October so far. I wanted to talk about Fear. Its one of those things that we think about everyday throughout the day. I think "Why?" why is Fear such a huge part of our lives, its involved in decisions, its involved in ways we move forward. God did not create us for Fear. Fear is one of those manipulative ideas Satan puts into our minds. He uses our Fear to control our hearts. To be honest he definitely uses it in me. 
There are days that Fear is the theme of my day. Being a mom, one of our biggest Fears is "How will our children grow up?" Or especially in light of this election year. "What type of World will they be exposed to?" When our kids are toddlers they are experiencing emotions, moving boundaries and growing as little personalities with expanding minds. Once they leave us and start school we are not the only influence in their lives anymore. We need to strive to create a safe environment for them. Church is a huge part of that. The word of God is also a huge part of that. When our children feel safe and understand they are not alone and they have a super hero along side them their entire lives. One who flies, has massive strength and courage. They also have their families, Church groups, Friends & mentors. They experience Love from the supernatural and from us on Earth. My best advice on this is to quote every day. 
"Don't worry about anything; instead pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank him for all he has done. Philippians 4-6
If we expose our Fears to God, make him aware of where our Hearts are. And yes he does already know but when you ask not want not. We cannot be afraid to tell him how we feel. God encourages us as should we encourage him by Praise and Thankfulness.
"Then you will experience God's Peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His Peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus" Philippians 7
When we ask for his help, when we are worried and stressed about questions about the future or what our children will be exposed to. He will give us a wave of Peace to continue on this Journey with him. 

Fear of finances. Now yes this is always a difficult topic to cover from anyone well versed in blogging, well versed in His Word and well versed in books. I am not expert lol ;-) I do know that Fear of finances takes an awful hold on each of us. Everything costs money, money needed to live, money needed to provide, money needed to prepare ourselves for financial strain. I have experienced this many many times. We have experienced it as a family. When we made the decision to create a better life for our family, we took with it the financial burden it caused and will cause. Relocation alone causes a burden. Hoping our home sells within the perfect amount of time so we aren't paying on it from far away. The Fear of bringing money to closing. As most people who sell their homes we want some extra to help float us until things fall into place. Having to worry about "can we survive till the end of the week?" thats a horrible feeling to have. We learned something soo valuable and that is to trust in God. Our money is not our own. He blesses us and it's up to us to use it wisely and to bless others. Tithing is something extremely important and neither Joe or I knew how important it was. Once we took the chance to trust...it's amazing what he has done with it. Now don't quote me on this but the story of the village boy when Jesus came and multiplied that small piece of bread was absolutely crazy but seriously was fun! I feel the same way he did like wow man I wanna see his blessing again! 😊
Fear is a liar! That's all I gotta say and just think if we can convince ourselves that Fear is a waste of our happiness and joy we will see amazing things and our lives will begin to unclutter and we are able to see the bigger picture. I'm not saying it's easy and that I have this figured out because I struggle with this all the time especially when in my business I'm put to the test with a challenge especially a video challenge but hey the first one was rocky and that's okay because it's me raw and real lol..and they just get better. Joe to in his restoration shop that took imense courage to take that chance to trust to move his entire family and start over with God as the focus. Taking a small step everyday to push past Fear will slowly empower us and we will wonder why did we wait soo long. 
