Worth the Wait

Been awhile...
I felt the tug to post this morning as I'm reading the Book of Joshua. I'm at the part about God keeping his promise on the Land. I will be honest I totally want to skip over when the Bible talks about names and lands that I cannot pronounce..hopefully I am not the only one lol!
I've learned alot by watching how this story unfolds with the wait of the promised land and then at the end they all receive what God had promised. It seems like waiting takes soo much out of you. Whether its to do with finances, a job, a decision, weight loss, sickness etc. He seriously made these people wait 40 years...and just reading that I'm like whoa okay here, 40 years to wait for something you've been struggling with seems like an easy place to give up. The promise of the land came true..its all worth the wait.  I see it on FB people hoping and asking for prayers on parts of their lives and the most I can say is sending prayers..but I really don't stop and think "whats going on in their lives to make them want to change their path?" If I take the time and just re read those posts asking for answers on their desires, take the time to pause and actually pray a well thought out prayer and all I can say is "God knows what you need and he will reveal it to you" But what does that actually mean for the person who is waiting which always seems like a lifetime? There are times I feel like I want for nothing and am happy with what he has blessed me with, but does that mean I'm comfortable or satisfied? He wants us soo much to reach for the stars, our dreams, our next big thing, our next chapter. As I sit here typing this I am reminded about the time Joe and I decided to move closer to family and try something different...I was content where I was but I knew in my heart Joe was not. And I didn't understand the anger and stress and questions that were constantly swimming around his mind. And yes at times I was furious and irritated...whats tonight going to be like? Both of us did want something more...Joe's journey was the hope of something joyful and happy and mine was wanting a happy, joyful husband. When we do ask the Lord for a change or chapter turn we do have to understand what we want in our timing is never worth the stress and questioning that is disrespecting God and yes we are all human and we were given the failure in sin all the way back to the Book of Genesis and the Garden of Eden but with his love, comes his promise of something greater..our timing seriously is peanuts compared to what he has instore for us..we cannot stand before a wishing well and ask and immediately get what we want..our wants need to align with our hearts and when God sees that he helps us take the necessary steps to fulfill that need. These steps need not be selfish and come from a place of despair...in our desperation we need to focus on him and lay all our worries surrounding our season change at his feet and let go. I have felt this immensely with my struggle in weightloss. And I know I am not the only one..every new year whats on most peoples lists is losing weight..and it is sad because I was there as well...I'd get soo discouraged and in that discouragement instead of looking to him for guidance I would go for that sweet treat or binge eat because I have been starving myself to lose the weight. Both of these places are not where he wanted my victory to hold true. Its very easy for us to retreat back to the old ways when things don't go our way. Again we are not in control...His promise will always be true and his plan is always to give us a future and a hope..he doesn't want us wallowing in failure and sin, he wants us to grow out of the darkness and become the beautiful person he has wanted us to be. Reading the Book of Joshua only adds bricks of hope, joy and beauty to our journey. They waited and waited...they did not give up hope on his promise..He is a trusting, loyal father who is always looking out for our best interest..He wants us to live an abundant life in every part of our lives.
Dear Lord, I set aside the culture of doubt, the selfishness, the unfairness, the questions, the guilt and the anger!! I Lift my hands up my heart needs you, my family needs you, everyone in my life needs you..I cannot do this on my own Please keep my mind open to reveal your steps on this righteous path, for I know you are God and I am not...you are mighty, your promise always always holds true. Thank you for helping me declare victory over all the unnecessary crap that is before me. Your faithfulness is neverending. Thank you again Lord for giving your Son for my sins. I will repay in honoring your words and using them in every aspect of my life and sharing my journey with those struggling right now in whatever is crushing their hearts and I am thankful. I am declaring Victory in the Lion my all Powerful God and the Lamb-Jesus who died for our sins...Thank you Lord! Amen!
