Good morning all! 😊 what inspired me today was my lovely First 5 App. I do try and be diligent and read it every day it's just not always in the morning. This morning had a different vibe to it. Avriel hasn't been feeling too well and as I am sitting on the porch steps listening to the extremely loud Seward Ag trucks go by lol they are easily muted by birds & the wind. Thank the Lord on that. Haha. I had just messaged my mother in law and sister in law a picture of the beautiful fairy garden they both had a hand in helping make for Avriel and how a simple thing can cause such a beautiful excitement in a little girl. She looks forward to seeing it every day. Even when she is having a toddler melt down which we all know can be caused by a piece of paper on the floor lol. It always seems to do the trick. Then I think, why can't a simple thing cause us to be in a blissful peaceful state as well? Then, ofcourse I opened up my App and saw the quote for today "Every Charge Against Us Was Nailed To The Cross" Whitney Capps. Nailed? Mmm..yeah one nail one charge..easy as pie..just as simple as a smile...but each one of those nails added together created a very large, very permenant impact on each and every one of us. A promise that cannot, will not, ever in the history of our existence be broken. But, yet, at times we can't grasp the magnitude of it. We hang on to soo much. It builds and builds but it doesn't give us a positive impact, it doesn't give us a promise or do anything remotely good for ourselves. The only thing that I know 100% that it does is offer a way in for self doubt, Satan, a precursor to anything and everything evil and fuel for hate. But if we know this and we know Jesus died for our sins, he took a nail for any and every charge/sin we could ever in our lives commit we tend to take the easy way and go the opposite? As a new believer this is a struggle. I am a very positive person and I see the good in just about everyone and I can easily forgive and if something doesn't sit right with me I will push and push until the silence is broken to lay it all out on the table because odds are something was misunderstood or emotions took over rational thinking or a small thing was packed onto many other small things and created a boom. And that can be a flaw or a great quality depending on where my heart is when I do push. Not everyone is like that. We all struggle with soo many little, big or huge things. God made us all in his image but we all have our own set up characteristics and gifts that if we don't focus on him can be mass weapons of destruction. We don't have the power or means to take others sins, take those nails and we aren't meant to. When we feel defeated and hurt over something or hurting some one or committing a sin, can be as easy as swearing at our kids or having an argument with a family member/friend or flipping someone off on the road lol, we can just think of the simplest thing of one nail, one charge, it is finished. It's soo easy. We were given this gift, this luxury this expunged record of existing and given the chance to do better every day, every hour, every minute we admit to doing wrong instead of sulking and going to that deep dark place. We were given this chance for soo many do-overs, we can't even count that high!!
So, I pray for all of you, as flaw filled humans, as we were given this amazing gift by our heavenly Father, let's take the leap and forgive, forget, move on, let go, lift up & rest in your sacrifice of your only son Jesus whom died on the cross for us, who took a nail for every charge in our creation and meet you half way and extend not only Grace but, Tolerance as well to others and to ourselves. We are human, we are flawed, we are gifted, we are blessed, we are loved. In Jesus' name Amen!
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