Hey! Thankful, I had the urge to blog on this topic. Funny thing, I had no intentions of blogging today lol. Crazy how life works...or how you do things eventhough they never even crossed your mind for that particular day? Well today, well this afternoon was just that. God just doing his thing, showing me I am not in command😉.
Well, I will just get right down to it...
First things first, today I started a new Bible study through Proverbs 31. Absolutely one of my favorite places to do them. If you have not considered or you've seen the posts and have thought about it..here is some advice QUIT THINKING ABOUT IT AND JUST DO IT🤣. The Bible Study is called "I Am Loved" By Wendy Blight. Our first "homework" for Day 1 was to get to know John as one of the 12 Disciples. If you have read these scriptures or are familiar with them:
Luke 9:51-56, Mark 9:33-37 & Mathew 20:20-28 (these are just a few, ones mentioned in the first Chapter of the Book)
John was forgive me...kind of an arrogant, entitled punk. As I'm reading these scriptures and writing down what I was told and that was "write down what the following passages reveal about John"
I'm thinking to myself this was "the disciple whom Jesus loved" John 13:23 yikes! I'm being honest here so no judgement of course☺. As I continue reading Wendy asks the question "Don't we all at one time or another long to hold that place of honor in someone's heart or at their table? So I pause...and I pause..and I'm like whoa lightbulb!!! We absolutely do!! As women and as men! Anytime we change out of a season into a new one our social dynamic changes...our homelife changes, our priorities change...We yearn for that person to like us, that family member to like us, to make that sale..As someone who has an at home business I did this too much...I gave waay too much away with no follow thru from that person..and to be honest it hurts. Why do we do this to ourselves? When truly the only love we need is of God. We as Americans feel entitled, we need the next biggest thing, that car, that house, that job to prove we belong at that table of those who have "made it" Id like to know who/what decided what is the superficial checklist you need to have in order to be worthy to others. What is the definition Lol? 😊 ya can't take the crap with ya..Oh hey I'm here at the beautiful pearly gates and I belong here because I've got 2.35 kids, a husband who is the boss, a 5000 square foot home with a picket fence, a summer home and the World tells me this is what I need in order to be here. Although these things are amazing accomplishments and require hard work and dedication they aren't the golden ticket to get you a seat next to the Man! I know several people who have been blessed in these areas and they keep God as their focus and they give and give and give. So as I am reading on, Wendy goes on stating the man John started as which was obedient as he came when Jesus called him and the man John becomes at the end of his life. It seriously made me think..is Johns story meant to be an assurance to us that if we are obedient no matter where we are in life that we will one day lay on Jesus's chest and here is heartbeat? Is this a parallel to what our lives could be like if we honor, serve, share & be obedient to Him? It's really a heavy, complex question if you stop and think about it. Especially with Church tradition stating John was the author of Revelation as well? To me, this is more of a promise then the superficial list.
I felt the urge to blog about this because for me it's just another reason why I am excited about God. It encourages me to be better, to be less critical of myself, be less critical of others as we are all Johns, wow that was weird wording lol, sorry I am a fellow SVU watched and us all being Johns just sounds bad..Lol but anyway we are all working towards something. No matter our attitudes out in public, our bad days at home, our rough days at work..we are all on a journey, dealing with a battle, changing a season..trying ways to do better. Let's be respectful, honor, spread joy, be grateful, be transparent, give a compliment..because you may just be that one person that encourages someone to decide to pray at that moment or even greater that person decides to accept Jesus. Love all of You!
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